Apr 24, 2022Liked by David Campbell

An intelligent man once said, "All politics are local," and he could also have said, "It's the Local Economy Stupid." The Bathurst economy is essential to the New Brunswick economy, and New Brunswick is essential to the Canadian economy. You are working at the roots of the economy, where the economy begins. Your progressive attitude toward imigration, government help for innovators, and now the positioning of large corporations and "billionaires" is doing more to help society than criticism of people who have money. It is easy to get caught up in the idea that if those billionaires didn't have all that money, the people who "deserve" it would. Unfortunately, the economy doesn't work that way...if the billionaire doesn't have that money, it doesn't exist. Bill Gates, the Waltons (WalMart), and Warren Buffet are 'old' billionaires and they are spreading their wealth around. The Gates Foundation is a remarkable philanthropic organization that spreads billions of dollars throughout the world, and it is effective, much more so than the UN or governments can be. How much money did Putin give to charity? Let me guess. As for Jeff Bazos, he has built a company that focuses on the customer, the average Joe, and Amazon (I publish on Amazon) has revolutionized the distribution of books. The companies that are hurt by Amazon publishing are the 'big five' publishers who until now have choked off new writers, deciding who is worthy and who isn't. When we think of Elon Musk, we think of Tesla electric cars and space travel, both fields that until he came along were inefficient and basically an anchor on the economy. When Musk is done innovating, he will use his personal fortune to help others. What has Putin or Xi Jeng Peng done for the poor and dowtrodden lately?

Capitalism is not a dirty word—it describes our free economy, and our economy is working very well. There are areas that can be improved, and people like you are working on them because you can do it and get paid in a free capitalist system. What you are doing is important, and you are right in not messing with the larger system where you can't make a significant difference...yet. You have already made an essential difference in the New Brunswick mindset and your positive attitude is spreading. Everywhere I go I hear positive comments on our local economy. Tell your daughter that capitalism begins with what you do, and it may not be perfect but it's the best we've ever had.

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As always, impressive commentary, Phil.

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well said, David

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